
Clerk (in Youth Section)

  • Level 2 or above in five subjects in HKDSE or equivalent, including English & Chinese;
  • Good knowledge of computer software applications, including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint;
  • Proficiency in English and Chinese word-processing skill;
  • Relevant working experience in clerical works is preferable.
Fringe Benefits

Mandatory Provident Fund scheme, annual leave, medical insurance coverage, marriage and compassionate leave.

Application Procedure

Applications with full resume and expected salary should be sent to the HR & Administration Manager, Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Headquarters, 5/F, St. John Tower, 2 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong or email to hr@stjohn.org.hk.

(Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.)

Assistant Brigade Services Officer (work at Headquarters, 2 MacDonnell Road)

  • A Bachelor's Degree or equivalent;
  • At least 3 years working experience, preferably in governmental / social service sector;
  • A good team player with supervisory experience and sound communication skills, able to work independently with initiatives;
  • Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese and preferably in Putonghua;
  • Proficiency in MS Office and knowledge in accounting is an advantage;
  • To provide administrative support to the Brigade Office;
  • To assist in accounting matters, organize events and secretariat works.
Fringe Benefits

Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme, annual leave, medical insurance, marriage and compassionate leave.

Application Procedure

Applications with full resume and expected salary should be sent to the Human Resources & Administration Manager, Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Headquarters, 5/F, St. John Tower, 2 MacDonnell Road, Hong Kong or email to hr@stjohn.org.hk before 7 February 2025.

(Personal data collected will be used for recruitment purpose only.)


  • 香港中學文憑試五科(包括中國語文及英國語文)考獲第二級或以上,或具同等學歷。
  • 具兩年或以上輕型貨車執照及駕駛經驗。
  • 能操流利粵語及普通英語。懂普通話更佳。
  • 須持有有效急救証書。如持有急救醫療助理(一級/二級) / 自動體外心臟去纖維性顫動法 / 院前創傷生命救援術証書者將獲優先考慮。
  • 須輪班當值及穿著制服。
Fringe Benefits



申請者請於2025年2月7日前,詳列個人資料連同申請信,寄香港麥當勞道二號聖約翰大廔五樓人力資源及行政經理收,或傳真2515 0205或電郵 hr@stjohn.org.hk。如於2025年4月30日前仍未獲約見者,均作落選論。
