Contact Info

Office Hours

Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Headquarters

Ambulance Service: 24 hours

Council, Association and Brigade Offices: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 6:18pm

Youth Office: Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 6:48pm

Offices close on Saturdays, Sundays & Public holidays

Contact Information

Please reach our “FAQ” first for enquiries.
For further information, please contact us during office hours as follows:

Association Office (courses, examination and other allied subjects)

Please call 2530 8020 - 8024 for St. John Association (Courses, Examinations, Certificates and related enquiries) Fax: 2976 0457
Tel: 2530 8020/2530 8021 (Individual application for Certificate in First Aid / Basic First Aid / Adult/Child/Infant CPR / IFA)
Tel: 2530 8021(AED course)
Tel: 2530 8022 (Group and Brigade application for Certificate in First Aid / Basic First Aid / PHTLS / AMLS / AHDR / Re-scheduling Examination (Certificate in First Aid))
Tel: 2530 8023 (Commercial group application for Certificate in First Aid / Basic First Aid / Adult/Child/Infant CPR / IFA)
Tel: 2530 8024 (ODRC/HDRC)
Tel: 2530 8048 (Sports / Pet FA / BPLS / BLSO)
Tel: 2530 8028/2530 8048 (Health Care Courses)

Brigade Office (first aid duty service, ambulance service, dental service, member enrollment and other related subjects)
Tel: 2530 8032-8035     Fax: 2530 2727

Youth Office (application for setting up Cadet divisions & Cadet service)
Tel: 2530 8058-8059     Fax: 2530 4867

Council Office (others)
Tel: 2530 8006-8008     Fax: 2515 0205

Service Hotline
Tel: 2524 4888

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